It’s 5 o’clock somewhere – a collective Art Exhibition exploring guilty pleasures

The ongoing collective art exhibition at BOCO Boutique Hotel will be delving into the topic of Guilty Pleasures. Participating Artists: Aaron Bezzina, Daniel Borg, Roderick Camilleri, Debbie Caruana Dingli, Rupert Cefai, Antoine Farrugia, Karl Froman, Lawrence Pavia, Amelia Saint George, Mario Sammut, Darren Tanti. Guilty Pleasures are personal and intimate activities or habits that one […]
A Midsummer’s Red Dream: A Collective Art Exhibition

“I will never know how you see red, and you will never know how I see it” – Anne Carson, Autobiography of Red. Think red, think summer, dream… The subject matter for the first exhibition at BOCO Boutique Hotel is bound only to these three inspiring and intriguing words. Curated by Art Sweven, the exhibition […]