Traveller Review Awards 2022

The BOCO Boutique team was so thrilled to once again be recognised by as one of Malta’s top boutique hotels with a Traveller Review 2022 score of 9.5, up from 9.3 in 2020.

“The key is passion, continuous improvement, never resting on our laurels or taking anything for granted. This then makes it easier for us to strive to be happy, and help instil this beautiful feeling in our guests, who in turn easily and willingly express this in their super reviews. With deep gratitude I thank everyone who is part of this process. The BOCOjourney starts from within us and will continue forward.”, says owner and proprietor, Tony Busuttil.

The Traveller Review Awards is an annual appreciation programme that highlights tourism facilities’ exceptional hospitality, as evidenced in the review scores left by travellers after their stay or experience.


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